About Durenda
I’ve been happily married to Darryl since 1989. I’m also a mom to eight, five boys and 3 girls, (born between 1991-2004) and Nana to 12 sweet grandbabies.
I spent over 25 years with my hand to the plow, focused on raising and homeschooling our kids before I ever started writing, speaking, or podcasting.
I love to encourage parents by sharing some of the clarity that comes with age, experience, and sometimes learning things the hard way. It’s less important that we look a certain way and more important that we parent and homeschool with the big picture in mind and that happens most readily when we learn to slow down. Being unhurried in our parenting and homeschooling allows us the time and space to be much more intentional and even more importantly, allows us to hear and follow God’s heart for our families.
We have homeschooled from the beginning and have graduated seven so far. The oldest two (girls) are married with several children whom they are homeschooling. Our oldest son is working as a software engineer. Our next three sons are also gainfully employed in the trades, tech, etc., and married with little ones. Our youngest daughter serves coffee and the love of Jesus and our youngest son is on the spectrum, so we are technically still homeschooling. We are thankful for the freedom to do what is best for our kids even if that means it takes a little longer to earn their high school diploma.
After 30 years of homeschooling, I can tell you now more than ever that home education is an incredible blessing, but only if you don’t let it hold you hostage to unnecessary expectations and notions of what it “should” look like. I love being able to help parents think outside the box and homeschool confidently and in a way that works for their families!
I also love bringing moms back to scripture and encouraging them to let God's Word inform their perspective and anchor them for the long haul.
I firmly believe that if God's people will faithfully raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and live as a biblical family, we will change the culture. That belief is reflected in everything I do as a speaker, podcaster, and writer.
I have published four books: The Unhurried Homeschooler, The Four Hour School Day, and Raising Boys to Men, all of which have been best-sellers. I also have a devotional for homeschool moms called Unhurried Grace for a Mom's Heart. All four books are available on Amazon.
Our family is far from perfect, but the love for each other is real! We know what it looks like to go through trials and afflictions, but having a cohesive, loving family makes all the difference. We are continually reminded that we serve an awesome God who is good all the time! My prayer is simply that you will be inspired, encouraged, and free to love and enjoy the unique gift that is your family. God has good things for you, I can guarantee it!
Thanks for stopping by! I invite you to subscribe to my email list to stay updated on any new content, including my weekly podcasts. You can also find The Durenda Wilson Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and other platforms.
I am on Instagram (@durendaleewilson).
If you’re interested in having me bring encouragement to your event, please use the contact section at the bottom of the speaking page to connect with me!