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A Little Boy and His Mama


Dear Sweet Mom at the Consignment Shop,

I noticed you with your camo leggings and high heels.  Actually, that’s the last thing I noticed about you as you walked out the door.  What I saw first was how, earlier, you knelt down to talk to your handsome 3-year-old little man who was full of questions and ideas.  Then I watched as you let him carry the bag with your purchases after he looked up at you and said, “I be helpful?”  Lastly, you let him open the door for you as you were leaving the shop.

So many things happened in just those few minutes that were probably more important than you know.  As your little boy initiated acts of manhood, you responded by receiving the gifts that he had to offer.  What he had to offer at such a tender age were the things that will shape and build his character, values, and future.

He offered initiative which also is what he will need to do the thing he loves for a living.  It will give him the courage to pursue a woman of character, a woman who understands the value of femininity.  It will allow him to provide for and protect his family because he is a man who is aware of his surroundings and sees where he is needed.

By getting down to his level and listening to him with intent, good eye contact, a gentle touch, and an appropriate response, you told him that his ideas and thoughts were worth listening to.  That he was valuable.  You also showed him that a woman (including the one he marries) should do the same.

So, dear mama, I say “Well done!”  You will never be sorry for taking the time to clearly communicate what is really important, to your son. It won’t be something you can do all the time.  None of us can.  But if you keep watch and look for those defining moments, they will most certainly make a man out of that little boy walking next to you.



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