Hey everyone, I had plans to write out a thoughtful more detailed update, but the truth is all I have the energy to do is to give you the basics along with some prayer requests that I would deeply appreciate all of you praying over. I can't tell you how very much it means to know so many people are interceding on my and my family's behalf.
First of all, thank you thank you thank you for all the donations to the fundraiser. I can't tell you what a load it lifts for us financially to have the extra money to cover the many costs that insurance doesn't cover and some of the alternative treatment costs. (Here is a link to the fundraiser: https://www.givesendgo.com/durenda-wilson)
I spent another week in the hospital just assessing all that is going on and figuring out a treatment plan. Because the cancer is so advanced I don't have the luxury of trying only alternative treatments first. We are doing conventional chemo alongside some very helpful alternative treatments that have been proven to work well together with conventional and better move the body towards healing.
Some would hesitate to share this, but I think it's important for all of us, especially those in the crunchy world (like me), to understand that there is a time and a place even for conventional treatments. I'm not ashamed of that and I know that God is leading us in our decision-making. I look at it all as though God is the great conductor who is orchestrating each step. Again, I don't always understand His ways, but I do trust His heart and His heart is good. I still believe that in spite of all the pain and discomfort. God is most certainly at work and does not waste anything, especially those things that are the most painful. I have been so grateful for the many people who have come seemingly out of nowhere to bless us with donations, gift cards, notes of encouragement, etc. It has been overwhelmingly beautiful and often brings me to tears. For all her imperfections, the body of Christ is a beautiful beautiful blessing not to be despised.
My family has been a constant comfort as they minister to me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. My husband has been an indescribable support and comfort as well. He is my protector, provider, continually present and I'm so thankful for him. We often comment as he is helping me to shower and do simple tasks that this is where the rubber meets the road when it comes to our marriage vows and covenant. It's being there in the hard and the painful and the ugly. Somehow it becomes beautiful when you're doing it together.
I had my surgery on December 4 and on December 5 we welcomed our 12th grandbaby. Then on December 6 our youngest daughter was engaged to be married to a wonderful godly young man. So much joy, so much to be celebrated!
And so much for a short post!
God is doing so much in all of our hearts right now in the midst of the hard.
Two pressing prayer requests:
1.) My liver is still very large and is a huge part of my discomfort along with fluid buildup in my belly area. Please pray that that would go down soon so eating and drinking and being able to nourish my body would be more enjoyable. I will say that the Lord reminded me of the manna in the wilderness and how God's people got sick of it but it was their sustenance from God. That's kind of how I feel about my main sustenance right now which are healthy meal replacement shakes. Pray that I will simply be thankful and content with them and that provision from God.
2.) I would take my thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ and truly find my identity and my hope in Him. That I would find contentment in the midst of the pain and discomfort. It's a work that only God can do. Make no mistake, there is no spiritual wonder woman over here, just a mom and nana wanting to be filled with the light and love of Christ and live in all the blessings He has.

Durenda just wanted to thank you for your vulnerability in your more recent podcast. I’ve been following you for some time since you’ve encouraged me to homeschool. I have one request- Please continue to do the podcasts about your journey if you can. It’s so encouraging to hear you vocalize the doubt, fear, etc. I say this bc I’m also going through a trial with a medical situation. Its terrifying, but listening to you makes me feel like I’m not alone. I know the Lord is with us. I’m praying for you and your family. May his will be done, and pray you continue to be a living testimony for his glory! Love from your sister in Christ in NJ
Durenda! I just learned about the cancer in your body today. I wanted to reach out to share about the North Georgia Revival in Dawsonville, GA. We have seen Jesus heal cancer in the baptismal waters and would love to have you come. If you'd rather receive a cloth in the mail, we can do that, too! Email Marty@cfcchurch.tv and we will send you one :) May the God of hope fill you, Durenda, with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit! Romans 15:13 Love, Caroline